Raj and India asks HTML site map versus XML site map.
Which one is yummy for Google Search engine Spider, they're both yummy.
It's like delicious apples and wonderful oranges.
We really, really like them both with XML sitemaps.
We don't guarantee that will crawl the pages from those, but they can help us to discover new pages.
Html site maps can definitely help us.
So you have a link to your root page.
And then if you have an HTML site map, we can by crawling those links, find the rest of the pages on your site.
Ie. In addition, users like it because sometimes they want to find out what's all the stuff going on in your site and they want to say, oh, you know what?
I just want to skip right to this portion.
Help me find out where this part of the site is.
So if you could only implement one, somebody had a gun to your head and they were like, you could only do one type of sitemap.
I'd start with HTML because that's really useful for both users and for search engines.
But if you have time and it's really not hard because the XML site map can be as simple as one URL per line in a text file, which is not that hard to generate.
If you can.
It's nice to do both.