All right, we have a question from
London, the person asks: If I link back to a press article about our company, will Google perceive this as a reciprocal link and therefore give less weight to the inbound link? Well, by definition if somebody links to you and then you link to them, that’s a reciprocal link.
Personally, and this is just a general advice, you know, if you link to every single time that somebody is linking to you then it’s almost like you’re tooting your horn.
You know, sometimes it’s nice to find people just talking about your site and have you not show up and sort of shoehorn in on theconversation or point people to it.
So, as far, you know, it makes perfect sense to have a list of press mentions, right? Probably every single place that you’ve ever been mentioned to anywhere in the press, if a user landed on that page, they may not find as quite as useful.
So, I would probably highlight just the few places that you are really proud of.
And that’s the sort of thing where the user can get a sense of what the press coverage is but if it’s not, take a look at every single time my domain has ever been mentioned anywhere on the web, and that’s probably going to work better for users too.