CUTTS: Question from Laura Thieme in Columbus, Ohio, "I have a client who was hacked. It looks like the SEO consultant said things were cleaned up, when they weren't cleaned up correctly.
All 30,000 Viagra/Cialis type and all those pages have been removed, but no improvement in the SERPs, Search EngineResults Pages. We sent reconsideration.
What do we do now?" I would send another reconsideratiorequest. I would also do a Cycle in Search and look for, you know, cycle in Viagra/Cialis, porn, free sex, any nasty spammyterms you can thin of just to make sure all the pages are gone.
And I would also sortof look at the keywords in the Webmaster Tools Console to see which keywords you're showing up for. If any of them look like spam or porn or anything like that, do a fresh look.
You might also invite, you know, someone to take a look on the webmaster health forum and say,
"Hey, anything wrong with my site?" because sometimes people can spot things there.
And make sure that you have a very current patch version of your software. So if you're running
WordPress, make sure you update your WordPressinstallation because sometimes you clean it up and you just get hacked again. So we--if you do a search on the--for, you know, Google
Webmaster Blog Hacked, there's two or three posts that we've done and you can read more about that.
And when you really do think it's all completely cleaned up do another reconsideration request and then we'll hopefully get that back in.