Here's a question from David in Berlin, Germany.
He asks a question to non intended duplicate content.
If an online shop can be reached through several TLDs, for example, de at Ch, and the only difference is the currency and and for example, the checkout process.
Does Google consider this duplicate content?
What can be done?
Well, most of the time you don't need to worry about it.
For example, if you have content on de and. Com, for example, it would normally be German and de and English. Com, and that's certainly not going to be viewed as duplicate content.
You've handwritten some good text here you've handwritten some good text here.
They might say almost the same things, but they're saying them in different languages.
Now suppose that they are the same language.
So you've got Austria and Germany, for example.
Typically we look at the page, so we look at individual pages, and if the pages are completely identical, then they could be considered duplicate content.
For example, there might be some pages that happen not to have prices or currency on them, but even in that case, what we would typically do is pick what we think is the best copy of that page and keep it, and we'd have the rest in our index, but we typically wouldn't show them.
So it's not the case that these other pages are penalized.
It's just we think this is the best version and will show the best version.
And then if we can't crawl this de version, then we might show the at version.
So typically, even if it is considered duplicate content because the pages can be essentially completely identical, you normally don't need to worry about it because it's not like we cause a penalty to happen on those other pages.
It's just that we don't show them.
We try to show the very best copy and leave the rest of the search results so that you can see different diversity, you don't get five copies of the exact same page so it can be considered duplicate content.
Certainly, if you can make the pages different and talk about the different traditions in each country, use different languages, localize it with pictures, do all those sorts of things that can be ways that you can set your different sites apart.
If you do have different sites, certainly think about taking the root page.
If you can make the root page is different, then that can often go a long way towards saying, you know what?
This is a different site than this site, and those are some simple tips.
Whenever you have things on different top level domains.